Sustainable Fashion

Welcome to our sustainable fashion brand!

Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. We use eco-friendly materials and on demand manufacturing processes, reducing our carbon footprint and minimizing waste. We believe that fashion can be beautiful without harming the planet.

We've partnered with a supplier that manufactures our products on demand to avoid overproduction and ships our designs in recycled packaging. Furthermore, we try to offer pieces that have a higher cotton versus polyester content, or that are made with recycled polyester or organic cotton.

Why is this important?

The fashion industry today tends to mass-produce without a sufficient focus on customer purchasing intent. This results in an overproduction of garments that are never sold and thereby end up in landfills. Some estimates put this at 30-40% overproduction every fashion season and many of these garment have plastic fibers like polyester or nylon that cannot be recycled. Overproduction in fashion contributes up to 10% of global carbon emissions.

At Celebrity Cutes, we believe that the more we can be intentional about the way we manufacture and shop, the better we can support global sustainability efforts.


Giving Back:

We've committed to sponsoring the planting of a tree in a protected area in Nepal, Madagascar, Tanzania, Senegal, or Cameroon for every product purchased, through our partner Tree-Nation.

Each tree planted is estimated to have an average carbon offset of greater than 100 kg.

Planting trees not only helps offset carbon emissions but also supports employment and sustainment in local communities.

See our forest impact here: